During the MATES Strategy Validation workshop, the presenters will provide a general overview of the shipbuilding and the off-shore renewable energy sectors. They will discuss industry skills needs and technological challenges as paradigm shifters, leading to future scenarios and action lines to overcome capacity shortages.
If you work in the shipbuilding or offshore renewable energy sector, or you are an interested party in the fields of industry, education or public administration, you are invited to join us at the MATES workshop on 28 May 2019 from 10.30-16.30 at L42 Business Center & Workspaces, 42 Rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels.
All attendees will be invited to:
• Join the MATES project network of experts, enabling you to contribute to a long term strategy for the sectors
• Participate in the discussion for the validation of the MATES baseline strategy
• Contribute to the debate on how the set of proposed Pilot Experiences will better fit the MATES strategy
Rosa Fernández Otero
Head of the Technology Promotion and Transfer Department, CETMAR (Technology Centre of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation), Spain
Iain Shepherd
Policy Officer, Unit A1 – Maritime Innovation, Marine Knowledge and Investment. Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission
Julie Fionda
Deputy Head of Skills & Qualifications Unit. Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Lucía Fraga Lago
Head of Training Department, CETMAR (Technology Centre of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation), Spain
Susana Bastón Meira
MATES Project Officer, CETMAR (Technology Centre of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation), Spain
Jennifer Fox
Consultant (Renewable Energy), AQUATERA, United Kingdom
Costantino Cosmidis
Senior Technical Director, COSNAV Engineering, Italy
Filipe Porteiro
Regional Director for Sea Affairs, Regional Government of the Azores, Portugal
Raquel Rodríguez Hernández
Deputy Director of CIFP Ferrolterra and Head of the area of quality, innovation and professional orientation, Spain
Enrique Mallón
General Secretary, The Galician Association of Metallurgical Industries, ASIME, Spain
Lefteris Sdoukopoulos
Associate Researcher, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, CERTH/HIT, Greece
Ioannis Ergas
Research Director, WEGEMT, EU Marine University Association, United Kingdom
Jennifer Fox
Consultant (Renewable Energy), AQUATERA, United Kingdom
Lucía Fraga Lago
Head of Training Department, CETMAR (Technology Centre of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation), Spain
Yuri Demchenko
Senior Researcher, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Download the MATES Strategy Executive Report here
Download the agenda here
As this will be an interactive workshop, we will require participants to download the App on their phones or tablets, in order to join the debate.