Work Package 1: Mobilisation of Stakeholders Workshop
The objective of WP1 was to identify and mobilise key experts that could provide input into the various activities in the project. Expert opinion and feedback, particularly from industry, has been integrated into the MATES results. In addition to engaging with stakeholders, WP1 involved the collation of relevant information which is now stored in the MATES repository.
D1.1 Database of Experts
The MATES partners developed this network to contribute at various stages of the MATES strategy. The MATES database of experts can be accessed at The network is organised into eight Thematic Groups (D1.4) that include experts both from the partnership and external stakeholders. These experts and stakeholders provide advice and assistance for the implementation of the MATES project. They will also assist with measuring the project’s impact.
D1.2 Repository of relevant information and State of the Art Report
This deliverable includes a list of the most relevant documents for MATES available as a Digital Repository.
The MATES State of the Art Report was developed as a summary of the analysis of the 390 publications and 150 projects. The main findings were presented to the MATES network of experts during two rounds of regional workshops in five European countries (D1.3). The report describes the current situation and future prospects of the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors, as well as the challenges expected in the coming years. It establishes a vision of the different drivers of that will affect the transformation and evolution of the sectors, and finally a perspective on the socio-demographic situation.
Cite as: Fidalgo, P. (2019). State of the Art Compilation. Zenodo.
D1.3 Mobilisation Workshops
A series of five stakeholder workshops were held in Greece, Portugal, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Spain. The workshops aimed to establish the current and future training and education skill gaps in the maritime industry and the activities required to meet these needs. A report from each of the workshops is presented below.
- How Can Ocean Literacy Promote Blue Growth in the Maritime Industry? – Athens, Greece, 26 April 2018 (organised by Indigo-MED)
- MATES Project – An Ocean of New Professional Opportunities for a Competitive Economy for the Sea of the Azores – Azores, Portugal, 4 May 2018 (organised by FRCT)
- Future Skills Needs and Gaps in Green Technologies for the Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy Sectors – Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 9 May 2018 (organised by WEGEMT)
- Identification and Analysis of Skills Gaps in the Offshore Energy Sector – Scotland, the United Kingdom, 17 May 2018 (organised by Aquatera)
- Technological Trends in the Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy Sectors – Analysis and Implementation Strategies – Vigo, Spain, 21 May 2018 (organised by ASIME)
Work Package 2: Strategy Baseline – Identification of Present and Future Skills Needs
The objective of WP2 is to analyse the current situation and actual needs for skills and training in the shipbuilding and maritime renewable energies sectors to provide a baseline. In addition, a foresight exercise looking at future scenarios aims to establish the future skills needs in both sectors.
D2.1 Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps
The objective of the MATES Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps is to deliver a critical review and analysis of the skills supply and demand mismatch in Europe for the two sectors addressed i.e. shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy. The report is the result of extensive desktop research, industry engagement through regional workshops, a validation workshop, surveys, expert interviews, Focus Group meetings and builds upon the MATES State of the Art Report (D1.2).
Access the full report: MATES Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps
Access the executive report: MATES Baseline Executive Report on Present Skill Gaps
The MATES Baseline Report on Present Skill Gaps:
(a) provides an overview of the current status of the targeted sectors, focusing on aspects that can be mostly affected by skills gaps (e.g. current technological trends, economic growth, sector’s potential for further development, etc.)
(b) specifies and describes the phases/segments of the sectors’ value chains
(c) maps the existing occupational profiles that are involved in the main sectors’ activities and their corresponding skills and competences, based on European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) classification
(d) examines skills supply by identifying educational and training offers for the academic year of 2018-2019 relevant to these sectors and assessing their curricula and the qualifications they provide
(e) investigates skills demand through consultation with the aforementioned industries (i.e. companies, industry associations, industry experts, etc.)
(f) identifies skills gaps of the sectors’ workforce and skills mismatch between education and training providers and the industries’ relevant requirements
The report provides a solid foundation upon which future MATES activities are based; the building of future scenarios for forecasting skills requirements in the short, medium and long-term as well as the development of relevant Lines of Actions and best practices for effectively addressing these skills gaps through the MATES Pilot Experiences.
2.1. Baseline report on present skills gaps in shipbuilding and offshore renewables value chains
Cite as: Sdoukopoulos, E., Tsafonias, G., Perra, V.-M., & Boile, M. (2020). Baseline report on present skills gaps in shipbuilding and offshore renewables value chains. Zenodo.
Cite as: Sdoukopoulos, E., Tsafonias, G., Perra, V.-M., & Boile, M. (2021). Baseline Executive Report on Present Skills Gaps in Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewables Value Chains. Zenodo.
D2.2 Baseline validation workshops and final validation workshop
Five workshops took place in the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Greece in 2018 with a total of 88 participants, aiming to validate the preliminary findings of the Baseline Strategy Report. A report from each of the workshops is presented below.
- Analysis of Skills Gaps and Plan for Action in the Offshore Renewable Energy Sector – Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 October 2018 (organised by Aquatera)
- Embedding knowledge management and wider innovation skills in maritime trainings, Vigo, Spain, 4 December 2018 (organised by CETMAR)
- Mind the Gap: Analysis of digital skills needs in the shipbuilding and off-shore renewable energy sectors, Ghent, Belgium, 12 December 2018 (organised by UGent)
- Contribution to the definition of MATES baseline strategy – Azores, Portugal, 14 December 2018 (organised by FRCT)
- Green technologies in the shipbuilding and ship-repair industry – Thessaloniki, Greece, 19 December 2018 (organised by CERTH-HIT)
A training workshop took place In Ireland in 2019, where the MATES partners focused on the exploitation, future impact and sustainability of the project outcomes in particular of the 11 Pilot Experiences. Below is a report of the workshop.
- Achieving Impact of Pilot Experiences using Knowledge Transfer – Dublin, Ireland, 13 March 2019 (partner workshop organised by AquaTT)
A final validation workshop took place in Belgium in 2019 where the MATES Strategy Baseline Report was presented to European representatives involved in skills development within both targeted sectors, shipbuilding and offshore renewable energies. The 61 participants represented industry, research institutions, training centres and administrations. During the workshop the baseline strategy was discussed and validated by the audience. Below is a report of the workshop.
- Skills strategy workshop for the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors – Brussels, Belgium, 28 May 2019 (organised by CETMAR)
D2.3 Foresight scenarios identifying future skills needs and trends
A Delphi consultation was launched on 11 March 2019 to identify the relevant trends and paradigm shifters in the two targeted sectors (shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy). A total of 83 experts participated. A 2nd consultation was launched on 2 May 2019 and resulted in 64 responses. The results are published in the MATES Foresight Scenario Report.
The report deals with the identification and analysis of emerging trends in the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors with respect to new technologies, new skills, training programs and other associated parameters. The key technologies considered are those for which the maritime industry is not prepared for in terms of technical capabilities nor in terms of technological service and research offer.
The main aims and objectives of the report are the clustering of the key technologies in three-time horizons and the description of future scenarios on skills and competences, as well as gaps in the current and foreseen levels sectors at the short, mid and long-term.
2.3. Foresight scenarios identifying future skills needs and trends
Cite as: Ergas, I., & Smyrnakis, G. (2020). Foresight scenarios identifying future skills needs and trends [January 2020]. Zenodo.
Work Package 3: Identification of Priorities and Lines of Action
The objective of WP3 is to prioritise the actions to be addressed by MATES using specific criteria which feed directly into the Baseline Strategy Report. The identified Lines of Actions are the foundation of the design and development of the MATES Pilot Experiences, ensuring strategic alignment of the Pilot Experiences to the results achieved.
D3.1 Identification of Priorities and Lines of Actions
The main aim of the MATES Identification of Priorities and Lines of Actions Report (updated March 2021) is to describe the reference framework used to set up the priorities and Lines of Action within the MATES project. The report includes a list of the Lines of Action identified during the first year of the project, the prioritisation criteria for the Lines of Action and the instructions for the voting process (which was held in an online workshop on 7 March 2019 with 51 experts). The prioritisation system was defined so that the Lines of Actions, within which the most important training needs and skills gaps fit, are addressed through the Pilot Experiences (WP4) and will be included in the MATES strategy and long-term action plan (WP5), the main output of the project.
Cite as: Fox, J., & Garniati, L. (2020). Identification of Priorities and Lines of Action. Zenodo.
D3.2 Baseline Strategy: identifying priorities, action lines and how MATES Pilot Experiences will contribute to the strategy
The three main objectives of the Baseline Strategy report are:
- Prioritisation of the actions needed and selection of those most relevant to the Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy sectors. First, a prioritisation system had to be established (which would include both priority criteria and the terms of reference for their application) as well as the classification of all the training needs captured in the different foresight scenarios.
- Clear definition of the actions which must be put in place to address the top-rated priorities.
- A cross-linking of the Prioritised Lines of Action with MATES Pilot Experiences to identify how best to maximise their strategic alignment and impact and in this way to provide feedback for the Pilot Experiences’ comprehensive planning, execution and assessment.
For this purpose, three different sets of information were collected and analysed:
- The results of the voting process set up with the experts (which involved an online workshop with over 50 experts and a SurveyMonkey survey).
- The results from the Delphi questionnaire (which was used to identify and assess the Paradigm Shifters relevant to each sector; six for Shipbuilding and five Offshore Renewable Energy).
- The draft proposals from the Pilot Experiences.
A total of 11 Lines of Actions (from an original 22) were prioritised. The Pilot Experiences were then designed to be coordinated with these prioritised Lines of Actions, while the subsequent detailed planning of the Pilot Experiences was carried out to ensure a strong alignment with the results of the Delphi questionnaire on the impact of Paradigm Shifters on the two industries (Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy). It is clear that there is also a strong correlation between the Paradigm Shifters identified through the Delphi Questionnaire and the Lines of Action that were prioritised and will be actioned within the Pilot Experiences. Overall, the results of this process as summarised in this report have been clearly integrated into the design and development of the Pilot Experiences. Click here for more details on the Pilot Experiences.
Cite as: Fox, J., & Garniati, L. (2020). Baseline Strategy: Identifying priorities, action lines and how Pilot Experiences will contribute to the strategy. Zenodo.
Work Package 4: Pilot Experiences
The objective of WP4 is to develop Pilot Experiences. The Pilot Experiences have been developed based on MATES research (carried out as desktop research and stakeholder engagement as part of WP1 and WP2) and prioritised lines of actions (resulting from consultation with MATES thematic experts in WP3). Information on each of the Pilot Experiences is available here. A critical review of the Pilot Experiences will be carried out in WP5 and will help form the long-term strategy and action plan.
D4.2 Compilation of Pilot Experience Layman Reports
A full compilation of the Pilot Experience Layman Reports is available here.
4.2.1 ED2MIT: Education and Training for Data Driven Maritime Industry Layman report
Cite as: Yuri Demchenko. (2022). ED2MIT: Education and Training for Data Driven Maritime Industry Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.2 MOOCs on Industry 4.0 and the shipbuilding sector Layman report
Cite as: Alonso García, L., Santiago Caamaño, L., & Díaz Casás, V. (2022). MOOCs on Industry 4.0 and the shipbuilding sector Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.3 Freeboard Project Layman Report
Cite as: Raquel Rodriguez. (2022). Freeboard Project Layman Report. Zenodo.
4.2.4 The Magnus effect Layman report
Cite as: Souto Otero, J. L., & Sanchez Naya, F. J. (2022). The Magnus effect Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.5 Innovation Manager in Shipbuilding Layman Report
Cite as: Huertas, V., & Baston, S. (2022). Innovation Manager in Shipbuilding Layman Report. Zenodo.
4.2.6 Maritime on the Loop of Ocean Literacy (MOL2) Layman Report
Cite as: Baston, S., Soto, A., & Fraga, L. (2022). Maritime on the Loop of Ocean Literacy (MOL2) Layman Report. Zenodo.
Cite as: Tsafonias, G., Perra, V. M., Boile, M., & Eleftherios, S. (2022). "Training Seminar on Additive Manufacturing and Risk Management in the Shipbuilding and Ship-Repair Sectors" Layman Report. Zenodo.
4.2.8 Offshore Renewable Energy Crash Courses Layman report
Cite as: Fox, J., Garniati, L., & Vazquez, J. L. (2022). Offshore Renewable Energy Crash Courses Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.9 Ocean ProTec.Lab Layman report
Cite as: Pires, R., Fraga, A., & Salema, S. (2022). Ocean ProTec.Lab Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.10 Green move Layman report
Cite as: Soto, A., Baston, S., & Fraga, L. (2022). Green move Layman report. Zenodo.
4.2.10 MATES Green move guidelines
Cite as: Soto, A. (2022). MATES Green move guidelines. Zenodo.
4.2.11 Definition of new occupational profiles Layman report
Cite as: Fraga, L., & Baston, S. (2022). Definition of new occupational profiles Layman report. Zenodo.
All Pilot Experience resources are available at This section includes a description of each Pilot Experience, and also a Layman report presenting its main conclusions and reports.
Each Pilot Experience is profiled on the Marine Training Platform together with all Pilot Experience resources.
Work Package 5: Long-term Action Plan and Sustainability
The objective of WP5 is to develop a sustainability roadmap and long-term action plan for the maritime industry based on the findings from MATES. This will involve a critical review of the project strategy and Pilot Experiences, identification of policy recommendations as part of the sustainability roadmap (based on initial research carried out in WP2) and long-term commitment by the project partners inline with the development of the long-term action plan.
D5.2 Maritime Technology Skills Strategy
This deliverable was originally called ‘Sustainability Roadmap and Long-term Action Plan’ and was revised to ‘Maritime Technology Skills Strategy’.
The objective of the Maritime Technology Skills Strategy is to show how the identified skills gaps in the maritime technology sectors can be bridged and to anticipate future skills gaps. The Skills Strategy is a culmination of almost four years research with stakeholder input gathered from ongoing engagement carried out by the MATES partnership. With a list of 32 key recommendations, insights and trends, the Skills Strategy encompasses the quadruple helix in the European maritime technologies sector. The Skills Strategy was presented at an international workshop which was attended by 75 participants and provided an opportunity for key stakeholders to provide feedback and validate the work done to date. Read more.
5.2. Maritime Technologies Skills Strategy: Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy sector
Cite as: Fraga, L., Soto, A., & Bastón, S. (2022). Maritime Technologies Skills Strategy: Shipbuilding and Offshore Renewable Energy sector (1.0). Zenodo.
D5.3 MATES Sustainability and Long-term Action Plan
This deliverable was originally called ‘Long-term Commitment and MATE’s Partners’ Action Plan’ and was revised to ‘MATES Sustainability and Long-term Action Plan’.
MATES has developed a Sustainability and Long-Term Action Plan which presents 23 project outputs and 32 recommendations to re-arm the maritime technologies ecosystem with the necessary capacities and skill sets to enable continued EU competitiveness in an increasingly digital, green and knowledge-driven economic context. The report identifies MATES partners’ commitments to sustain and exploit relevant project outputs and consists of a blueprint of actionable steps for the practical application of the Maritime Technology Skills Strategy. It outlines a Long-term Action Plan to implement the MATES strategic recommendations, addressing the main stakeholders in the maritime industry, the priorities that will require more efforts in the coming periods, and identifies the key enablers to undertake them. It also provides an overview of EU funding opportunities which can support further investment in capacity building, and therefore contribute to the Action Plan.
5.3. Long-term commitment and MATES partners’ Action Plan
Cite as: Marques, M., & Fraga, L. (2022). Sustainability and Long-Term Action Plan. Zenodo.
Work Package 6: Dissemination and Outreach
The objective of WP6 is to ensure the widespread dissemination and targeted exploitation of the MATES results, in particular the Pilot Experiences and the Skilling Strategy. This is facilitated through a Dissemination and Exploitation Plan and also Knowledge Management methodology. In addition, Ocean Literacy activities to promote the maritime sector, in particular maritime careers, will be carried out.
D6.2 Communications Portfolio
The MATES communication portfolio includes many resources and tools which help facilitate the promotion of the MATES project and dissemination of the project’s objectives and findings to a variety of stakeholders and possible end-users. They also help to ensure the success of the MATES Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, which sets out the activities to be performed and the channels to be used. The MATES brand logo represents the two core focus areas of the project – shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy.
A4 two-page flyer describing the project.
800x2000mm pull-up display banner that can be used for promotional purposes at events.
A generic A0 poster that can be used for promotional purposes at events.
MATES press releases and short news posts.
A Mailchimp subscription providing project news to subscribers: 10 October 2019 (1), 10 October 2019 (2), 10 October (3), 29 October 2019, 5 November 2019, 4 February 2020, 1 May 2020, 25 September 2020, 7 October 2020, 8 February 2021, 24 March 2021, 26 April 2021 (1), 26 April 2021 (2), 1 June 2021, 8 June 2021, 8 July 2021, 15 October 2021, 21 October 2021, 27 October 2021, 29 October 2021, 4 November 2021, 10 November 2021, 17 December 2021, 10 February 2022
MATES promotional channel for project videos.
MATES social media account for project news updates.
This report consists of results which were obtained from the extensive work carried out by the MATES partners through workshops with experts, Delphi questionnaires, desk-top studies and surveys. The report synthesises the MATES strategy baseline to bridge the skills gap between training offers and industry needs in the Maritime Technologies value chain. The results from the report are the basis for the development of the MATES Pilot Experiences -11 pilot initiatives taking place across Europe aiming to tackle the identified skills shortages in the shipbuilding and the offshore renewable energy sectors. Progress on the Pilot Experiences activities can be viewed here.
A standard template the MATES partners use for all public deliverables) and MATES Public Deliverable Template Guidelines (for how to use the template).
D6.3 Outreach and Ocean Literacy Directory
The MATES digital repository of best practices on of Ocean Literacy is available here. It includes 84 resources relevant to the maritime industry and ocean literacy, ranging from events, projects, conferences, publications, educational resources such as games and tools for educators. The freely available resources have been categorised and classified according to the audience type which include VET teachers, formal and non-formal educators, the general public, the media, the research community, and the maritime industry, among others. The information was gathered from 2018 to December 2019.
D6.4 Ocean Literacy Video
The ocean literacy video was launched in April 2021.
The video promotes career opportunities in the maritime sector, particularly in the offshore renewable energy and shipbuilding industries. The video highlights the need for incorporating the concept of ocean literacy from an industrial perspective and how marine technology industries can contribute to a sustainable environment.
The video includes footage from the shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy sectors in Galicia (Spain) and Orkney (Scotland) respectively, with the voice and views of people working along the value chain in both of these fields. In addition, the video emphasises the role of women in these industries and highlights the diverse career opportunities available for graduates and early-career skilled workers in these two sectors.
The full length video is available to watch on the MATES YouTube channel here and the short length here.
Segments of the video are also available to watch – Shipbuilding industry for a healthier ocean and Occupations in technological services for the shipbuilding industries
D6.5 Compilation of Pilot Experience Results and Impact
A full compilation of the Pilot Experience Results and Impacts is available here.
This compilation provides a short, two page overview of the gaps each Pilot Experience targeted, the steps they took to address them and the overall impact they’ve had to date. It also describes potential or planned further activity and demonstrates how the impacts of these Pilot Experiences and MATES as a project will continue even after the project’s conclusion.
D6.6 Legacy brochure and strategic plan
6.6. Legacy brochure and strategic plan
Cite as: Daly, O., Fraga, L., Bastón, S., Eleftheriou, M., Greene, E., & O'Raifeartaigh, P. (2022). MATES Legacy Brochure and Strategic Plan 2022. Zenodo.
Banner Photo: Scotrenewables SR2000 and SME PLATO at Hatston Pier, June 2016 (Credit Colin Keldie, courtesy of EMEC)