Pilot Experiences

The MATES Pilot Experiences are vital components of the overall strategic design of the project. These experiences are composed of a series of activities which align with the priority lines of action and training needs identified.

Target beneficiaries include students, teachers, trainers, skilled workers and those who have recently joined the workforce. While it was originally hoped that the Pilot Experiences would include a mix of e-learning courses, hackathons, upskilling workshops, careers seminars and more, the consortium have had to make several adaptions in response to COVID-19. As such, some of the planned face-to-face activities are now taking place online.

The outcomes of the Pilot Experiences will provide vital knowledge for bridging the maritime skills gap and increasing the sector’s overall competitiveness and attractiveness. Insights will feed directly into the long-term action plan, which will be developed by MATES, informing policy recommendations and best practices.

All of the MATES Pilot Experiences are published on the European Marine Biological Resource Centre’s Marine Training Platform. In order to boost the development of Blue Careers, the EMBRC offers an overview of current Marine and Maritime training. It is a supporting framework to foster new Blue Growth training initiatives and supports the exchange of best practice for Blue Career focused training.

If you would like to receive updates on the Pilot Experiences and general MATES updates, you can subscribe to news by registering here.


Page updated: 7th October 2021

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Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union

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