Identify and mobilise the experts that could have an interest and contribute in the different activities of the project. Stimulate engagement to include their views and inputs in the analysis of the situation of maritime technologies sectors.
- Identification of stakeholders who may have an interest in the project.
- Development of a repository of information which will feed the project.
- Delivery of mobilisation workshops in each partner country, presenting the project and expected results to experts.
- Organisation of stakeholders into thematic groups, where stakeholders with expertise in relevant fields can act as consultants for the project.
Lead partner
Asociación de Industriales Metalúrgicos de Galicia (ASIME), Spain
WP1 Coordinator – Enrique M. Mallón Otero
Contact person – Pablo Fidalgo
Email – pablo.fidalgo[at]asime.es
Analyse the current situation and actual needs for skills and training, and carry out a foresight exercise, to advance future scenarios
- Establish a detailed baseline of occupational profiles and skills needed in the shipbuilding and maritime renewable energies sectors, and training required to achieve them.
- Devise different future scenarios for skills’ needs in the sectors.
- Complete a foresight exercise to determine future skills needs whereby future trends and scenarios leading up to 2030 will be analysed.
- Compile present and future skills needs in a baseline strategy document, to feed WP3 for prioritisation and definition of lines for action.
Lead partner
Centre for Technology and Research Hellas (CERTH), Greece
WP2 Coordinator – Dr Maria Boile
Email – boile[at]certh.gr
Prioritise actions needed and select those to be addressed by the project.
- Development of a prioritisation system and classification of all training needs obtained in the different scenarios of the foresight exercise completed in WP2.
- Definition of the actions needed to address top priorities.
- Cross-linkage of priority action lines and Pilot Experiences to identify how best to maximise their strategic alignment and impact. Provide feedback for the Pilot Experiences’ comprehensive planning, execution and assessment.
Lead partner
WP3 Coordinator – Dr Gareth Davies
Email – Gareth.davies[at]aquatera.co.uk
Implementation, monitoring and assessment of Pilot Experiences (PEs)
- Focus on action lines resulting from WP3 and implement them through PEs, demonstrating the feasibility of the strategy and learning from practical experience.
- Development of best practices, application guidelines and policy recommendations based upon the outcomes of the PEs as part of a Europe-wide action plan to 2030.
- Address the practical insights related to mobility, new CV and professional profiles, digital skills, green skills, ocean literacy, sustainability platforms and new training mechanisms, design of trainings, etc.
- For further information about specific PEs, please click here.
Lead partner
Centro Tecnológico del Mar (Fundación CETMAR), Spain
WP4 Coordinator – Lucia Fraga Lago and Rosa Fernandez
Email – mates[at]cetmar.org
The following visual shows how the Pilot Experiences have evolved from the project application stage:
Development of a sustainability roadmap and long-term action plan for sustainable use and operation of the project outcomes after the completion date
- Critical review of the project strategy and lessons learnt from the PEs.
- Development of a sustainability roadmap and policy recommendations.
- Long term commitment and action plan by the project partners (MATES Alliance members).
Lead partner
University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands
WP5 Coordinator – Dr Yuri Demchenko
Email – y.demchenko[at]uva.nl
Development of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, and the effective communication, dissemination and transfer of project results, resources and activities.
- Development and implementation of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (DEP).
- Facilitate communication and dissemination for widespread awareness of the project amongst stakeholders.
- Completion of outreach and Ocean Literacy activities to promote the maritime sector in general and European maritime careers in specific.
- Creation of a portfolio of communication resources and tools.
- Compilation of results and impacts of PE case studies.
- Communication and exploitation of the overall impact of MATES.
Lead partner
AquaTT, Ireland
WP6 Coordinator – Olivia Daly
Email – olivia[at]aquatt.ie
To ensure effective and efficient project management by implementing the most appropriate tools and means that will guarantee:
- Efficient representation of the partnership to EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).
- Coordination between partners and activity of different work packages, under agile and cost-effective conditions.
- Perform all administrative, financial and technical management according to call rules and procedures.
- Continuous and smooth follow-up of work progress based on deliverables and indicators.
Lead partner
Centro Tecnológico del Mar (Fundación CETMAR), Spain
WP7 Coordinator – Lucia Fraga Lago and Rosa Fernandez
Email – mates[at]cetmar.org
- Guarantee that the quality of the project processes and results will meet the predetermined plans and assure the accomplishment of the project objectives with minimum deviations, and no relevant impact on results.
- Guarantee that quality of performance and delivery is systematically and objectively monitored and measured so that lessons are learnt from the process and permanent improvement is achieved at minimal cost.
Lead partner
Centro Tecnológico del Mar (Fundación CETMAR), Spain
WP8 Coordinator – Lucia Fraga Lago and Rosa Fernandez
Email – mates[at]cetmar.org